Thursday, May 05, 2011

A Spring Day, Central Park, Plymouth, UK

Hi and welcome!

I went to the UK in March and was very fortunate to have some stonkingly good British weather.

In Plymouth there is a large park called "Central Park" It was my playground from when I was 11 to when I left to go to Liverpool University at 18.

I hope you enjoy these shots of how gorgeous everything looks under a blue sky!

Pounds House above is a Grade II listed building.
It was built in the mid 19 century. If you click
on the link you can see it situated in the park
as a bird would!

A splash! The little cottage is the guard house
at the top of the drive leading to Pounds House

The house is now used for wedding receptions
Great if the weather is like this on your wedding

The park immediately surrounding the house
is called Pounds Park. It used to be the
gardens of the house

The trees are quite old. I remember them well
from my teenage days

Most of Central park is not
"ornamental" but in Pounds
there are a few cultivated

There used to be six of these trees in a circle.
Now there are only four. They were always
known as "six trees"

The path to Pounds House. The trees
that line the pathway are cherry trees.
The blossom is gorgeous, but it was a
bit too early when I was there

One of the "six trees"

Looking towards a cultivation of beautiful
camellias (close ups coming soon!)

I love this tree

Now for some....


....camellia flowers

A white splash

Just waiting....

 be photographed

Spot the crow!

Lovely shapes.....

.....trees have

and spring wouldn't be complete without
the daffodils

Come back next for some shots of Trafalgar Square in similar weather