Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tree Top Walk Singapore

Hi, and as always, a big welcome to my blog.

We recently went on a 12 km walk at the MacRitchie Reservoir, here in Singapore. At the midway point there is a section called the Tree Top Walk. It is a suspension bridge, 250m long and the highest point is 25m. It allows you to see the forest canopy of the mature secondary forest from a different perspective.

The photos show you some of the forest, plants and animals we saw as we were walking.

There are several natural parks like this one in Singapore. Hopefully these photos will demonstrate that Singapore is not just shopping malls and skyscrapers.

Enjoy your virtual walk through the forest and I’ll be back in two weeks with some photos of Turkey. I am going to London for a few days at Easter, going to a meeting in London on the morning of 25 March and then flying in the afternoon to Istanbul to run a training course. I’ll be back in Singapore on Monday 31 March.



Singaporeans getting ready for a spot of canoeing

And off we go....but if you look closely some of
them do it kneeling on one knee.... never seen
that before

I loved the shape and the reflection of this tree

Are you sure this is Singapore?

Bet you can't stretch your neck like me!

There's a lot of wildlife in there, perhaps the
escaped terrorist as well?

A butterfly, resting in the sun,
perhaps posing a little?

These little chaps were enchanting.
How many are there? 2 on the left,
one in the middle flying (you can see its shadow)
and on on the right, just a line in fllight

One on its own

I liked the colours, the leaves, the beauty of
the random pattern of nature and of course...
the dragonfly

A whole family of monkeys living as monkeys
have always done, just 20 minutes from where
I I have always done

Love those eyes

Daniela on the tree top bridge

Reservoir in the distance

Shapes and colours

Light in the forest

The helicopter searching for the terrorist.
Mas Selamat bin Kastari
There was a policeman or soldier every
20 metres along the path to the tree top bridge

We felt very safe......

Flower playing peekaboo!

Just flowers being beautiful

Coming to the end of the walk

And we're back, a little sweaty 'n tired
and really hungry