Thanks Jo for your comment. Are people having problems posting comments? Let me know. I have configured things to stop spam comments but don't want to stop my friends doing so.
Sorry for the delay in posting an update. Busy time. I went to Hong Kong to run a training course. I had very little time to be the tourist but I did manage to get up the the Peak and also across to Kowloon. Enough to want to go back for a holiday and explore more.
I have had requests for pics of the flat so as well as three of Hong Kong I have posted one of the the view from the flat the block, two of the front room and the pool. We are on the 8th floor on the right but in Singapore there is no ground floor, you start counting from the first floor. Or better still count two floors down as there are 10 floors!
Christmas has arrived early here too. It's not just London! It feels very strange. Shops are playing Christmas carols and the Christmas lights are up. Next time I will post some photos of Singapore at Christmas. It just feels too hot for Christmas.............
Take care everyone, hope you enjoy the pics, that you are all well and looking foward to a break whatever you are doing over the holiday period.