If you celebrate it, I’d like to wish you a very warm and happy Christmas. Warm is not a problem here of course, though last night I took photos of a freak weather front that came in from Finland, ahead of Santa!
Much fun was had by all. It’s a bit suspicious however that the weather front arrives every evening in the same place in Singapore (a shopping centre) and lasts exactly 15 minutes each time. Meteorological experts are scratching their heads and studying the phenomena, wondering if it is connected to global warming……….
Joking aside it was great to see people have so much fun, and I hope the expressions on their faces, give you a sense of the fun that a Singaporean snow storm provides.
Most Singaporeans I have talked to do not like their tropical weather. They find it too hot and humid. They enjoy creating cold and even have ice bars where the temperature in the bar is at 0 degrees centigrade or lower. A good excuse to cuddle up close to your partner to keep warm………
On Monday 24 December (just two days from the moment of writing) Daniela and I fly to India. We are going to visit the Temples of Tamil Nadu, which is in the South of India. We’ll be back in Singapore on 5 January.
No need to ask, I’ll be taking my camera!
Happy New Year, may 2008 be a special year for you, and don’t forget to come back in January to see photos of our trip.
Just before the storm hit!

Santa's helpers arrive on motorised Rudolphs....

.....and join in the fun straight away

As do people from other traditions, snow is for everyone!

Daniela feeling the cold

Little one, not so sure of all this white stuff!


Everyone having fun!